The Journey Begins

Starting a new career is often scary and a bit gut wrenching. This year is the start of something that I sincerely hope leads to a new framework in my life.

I am someone who enjoys the outdoors which includes my own backyard or the wonders of the world. I haven’t had much opportunity to travel however the traveling I have done was great fun.

My best friend loves to travel and became a travel consultant last year. In my endeavor to figure out what I want to do with my life, she said “why not do what I’m doing”. I felt like she through a glass of water in my face. Not in a bad ‘how your sopping wet’ sort of way, but as an epiphany.

It seemed more obvious that she would be a consultant because she enjoys traveling way more than I ever have. It’s fun and I look forward to it but sometimes the ‘getting to the destination’ can sway me from traveling.

So when she suggested it, I was overwhelmed and instantly interested. I spoke with someone she suggested, got the details, and sat back for a few weeks preparing myself for the change. Got my house in order, so to speak.

Training has begun and I’m excited and anxious to get through it but I must say that studying is something I must get used to again because the demands of it can be quite taxing on the brain.

This is week one…

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